Succot Timetable (please click here for Rabbi Wilkinson’s Dvar Torah)

Wednesday 16 October – 14 Tishri

—-Eruv Tavshilin—-

  • Mincha, followed by Maariv when Yom Tov Commences 5:51pm

 First Day Succot Thursday 17 October – 15 Tishri

  • Shacharit 9:00am
  • Sof z’man Shema 10:06am
  • Rabbi Schulman will give the Dvar Torah during Kiddush
  • Mincha, followed by Maariv 5:45pm (Shkia 6:02pm)
  • Second day Yom Tov Commences at 6:50pm after which time you should light candles from an existing flame

 Second Day Succot Friday 18 October – 16 Tishri

  • Shacharit 9:00am
  • Sof z’man Shema 10:07am
  • Rabbi Mason will give the Dvar Torah during Kiddush
  • Shabbat Commences at 5:46 pm, candles to be lit from an existing flame before this time
  • Mincha, followed by Maariv 5:46pm

 Shabbat Chol Hamoed 19 October – 17 Tishri

  • Shacharit (includes Megilla Kohelet) 9:00am
  • Sof z’man Shema 10:08am
  • Mincha at 5:30pm followed by Seuda Shlishit with guest speaker Rabbi Garber (Shkia 5:57pm)
  • Maariv when Shabbat Terminates 6:46 PM

 Shmini Atzeret Wednesday 23 October – 21 Tishri

—-Eruv Tavshilin—-

  • Mincha, followed by Maariv when Yom Tov Commences 5:36 PM

 Shmini Atzeret Thursday 24 October – 22 Tishri

  • Shacharit (includes Yizkor and Geshem) 9:00am
  • Sof z’man Shema 10:12am
  • Mincha 5:30pm
  • Shkia 5:47pm
  • Maariv followed by Hakafot 6:37pm
  • No preparations for Simchat Torah before 6:37pm after which candles to be lit from an existing flame

 Simchat Torah Friday 25 October – 23 Tishri

  • Shacharit 9:00am
  • Sof z’man Shema 10:13am
  • Shabbat Commences at 5:32 pm, candles to be lit from an existing flame before this time
  • Mincha, followed by Maariv 5:32 pm

 We are delighted to announce that our Chatanim this year are:

  • Chatan Torah Rabbi Goldmeier
  • Chatan Bereishit Shmuli Orenstein

We wish our Chatanim and their families are hearty mazaltov on their very well-deserved honour.

Shabbat Bereishit Mevorachim HaChodesh 26 October – 24 Tishri

  • Shacharit 9:15 AM
  • Sof z’man Shema 10:14 AM
  • Our Chatan Torah, Rabbi Goldmeier, will give the Dvar Torah during Kiddush
  • Mincha at 5.15pm followed by Seuda Shlishit
  • Shkia 5:43pm
  • Maariv when Shabbat Terminates 6:33 PM

Community Safeguarding Coordinator: Please note that our community safeguarding officer is Annette Koslover.  She can be contacted on If you become aware of information that leads you to be concerned about the physical, emotional or sexual abuse or possible neglect of a child or vulnerable adult in our community, please tell the Community Safeguarding Coordinator without delay. If this is not possible, please contact the United Synagogue’s central safeguarding team on 0203 758 8440, (you are able to request to speak to either a male or female member of staff). If you are concerned about imminent danger, please contact 999


We have come together as a community to celebrate our love for Torah, Israel and our fellow Jew. As an orthodox kehillah under the auspices of the United Synagogue, we look forward to welcoming anyone and everyone who is seeking to increase their own personal knowledge and observance wherever they may currently be on their own particular journey.  We believe that learning should be a joy and we intend to offer inspirational shiruim and divrei Torah for both men and women.  In addition to this, our love of Israel will be celebrated not just through regular Shabbat tefilla but also on key dates such as Yom Ha’atzmaut and we are particularly honoured and delighted to have received this message of support from Eliahu Bendahan, Israel’s Deputy Defence Minister: letter and translation

“I was very happy to receive your letter informing me that on Shabbos Parashas Yisro, B’ezras H’, you will merit to inaugurate the Beit HaKnesset Ahavas Yisrael in Edgware, London.

May it be the will (of the Almighty) that you (all) shall merit to daven at the Beit HaKnesset for the People of Israel, for the Land of Israel and for the State of Israel and, B’ezras H’, we shall all merit, together, the arrival of Moshiach, speedly and in our days.”
With blessing and Kol Tuv,
Rabbi Eliahu Bendahan
Deputy Defence Minister”

The best way to experience all of our values is to join us for our Shabbat services and see for yourself. Children will be particularly welcome either in the main service or in their own children’s service or crèche.


We hope that everyone will feel comfortable in our services but we do ask that you keep your conversation for the Kiddush afterwards as we will be asking for quiet during the davening. Children are more than welcome and we will, of course, be tolerant of their ability to maintain the desired level of decorum.

In line with many United Synagogue shuls, we ask that ladies who are, or who have been, married wear a hat or otherwise cover their hair in shul. We also respectfully ask all  ladies and men to  dress appropriately for participating in Orthodox religious services.

We currently hold our services in Langdon’s premises off Manor Park Crescent HA8 7FR and we ask for your understanding if the facilities are not as perfect as we hope they will ultimately be. However, whatever we may lack in facilities we hope to more than make up for in a warm, welcoming and inspirational atmosphere.

Contact Details:

Although our services will take place in Langdon’s premises, please do not address any mail there. Instead please contact us at:


t :  020 8050 1613

United Synagogue registered Charity number: 242552. Complaints policy: click here