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Please click here  to make an online donate today.

Alternatively you could donate by bank transfer to ACCOUNT NAME: UNITED SYNAGOGUE KKAY/ SORT CODE: 60-80-07/ ACCOUNT NUMBER: 60196408. and please reference the reason for your donation e.g. aliyah/yahrtzeit/kiddush sponsorship etc

Thank you so much for your support, it is really very much appreciated.

Please advise us of your donation using the button below. Once your donation has been received we will send you an email receipt for your records. Please contact us with any questions you may have.

Donation Total: £1

However you donate, please Gift Aid you donation at no extra cost to yourself.


We greatly appreciate your support and would like to ask if you would help Ahavas Yisrael further at no extra cost to yourself.

If you are a UK taxpayer, using Gift Aid means that:

  • For every pound you give, we receive an extra 25p from H M Revenue and Customs.
  • This will increase the value of your donation by 25%, helping it go even further.
  • If you pay higher or additional rate income tax, additional relief can be claimed by including your gift aid donations on your self-assessment return, or asking HMRC to adjust your tax code

If you are happy for Ahavas Yisrael to claim Gift Aid on your donations to us please click here to email us and will send you a gift aid form for you to complete and return to us. Thank you